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Organic Aloe Vera & Manuka Honey Pre-Poo 8oz. *MUST REMAIN REFRIGERATED* Expires in 10 days after its been made to order. Look for signs of spoilage. Brown or Pink color!  Shake Well!

Healthy & Natural Hair Treatment before the shampoo!

Aloe Vera & Manuka Honey Pre-Poo is an anti-fungal & antimicrobial treatment that helps with scalp issues!


Maybe you are asking Why Pre-Poo?

Because Pre-Poo protects your hair & scalp when going through the cleansing process. When our hair is wet, our hair expands and contracts when its dry so our hair follicles can get damage over time. Pre-Poo adds moisture to those hair follicles and you don't want to lose moisture. The pre-poo penetrates to your hair follicles!

Ingredients used:

• Extra Virgin Olive Oil

• Vitamin E Oil

• Aloe Vera Oil

• Lemon Juice

• Jojoba Oil

• Castor Oil


Aloe Vera & Manuka Honey Pre-Poo is suited for:
~ Hair Loss/Hair Thinning
~ Damaged, Weak, Limp Hair & Brittle Hair
~ Dry, Dull, Deprived of Natural Oils, Lack Moisture
~ Itchy Scalp, Inflamed Follicles, Fungal Infection
~ Scalp Exfoliation/Strengthening
~ Maintain healthy hair & scalp
Natural Hair, Transitioning from Chemical, Uninstalling Braids & Weaves, Sisterlocs, Locs & Beards
Vitamin Deficiency
Best Used with Nobility "S" Aloe Vera Organic Shampoo


Nobility "P"


    The Royal Experience

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